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Bichon Shih Tzu Puppies
Citrus Pups
Puppy Pickups!
We've created a series of videos below that cover some of the info we typically share during our puppy pickups. Because of the COVID-19 risk, our puppy pickups will essentially be curb-side hand offs and we want to ensure that this valuable info is still offered to you. If you have any questions at all after viewing these resources, please let us know!
These videos may take a LONG time to load!! Open the page, let them load and come back in 10 minutes to enjoy. Thank you for your patience!
Nail Trimming Basics

Solo Hair Trim
Disclaimer: This is far easier attempted with two people. This is a great example of staying calm and waiting the puppy out, even if he's being silly and wiggly. Trimming your puppy with two people (one holding and one trimming) will provide much safer and settled results.

Paperwork Overview

Initial Training Pen Setup

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